Sophie LELEU mezzo-soprano and Masumi FUKAYA piano recital

Quand :
23 février 2020 @ 16 h 00 min – 17 h 30 min
Où :
Pôle d'Animation Culturelle
Avenue d'aquitaine 24480 Le Buisson
Coût :
Entrée : 15€, adhérents 12€, étudiants, demandeurs d'emploi 8€, tarif famille, gratuit moins de 16 ans
Contact :
Barasz Raymond
0553 23 86 22


Unbewegthe laue luft, Brahms

Wie Raft ich auf in der Nacht, Brahms

Nachtstuck, Schubert

Clair de Lune Debussy

Tes yeux bleus, Chabrier

O ma lyre immortelle, Sapho, Gounod

Pause (5’00)

Les adieux de l’hôtesse arabe, Bizet

Près des remparts de Séville, Carmen, Bizet

Voi lo sapete, Cavagliera Rusticana, Mascagni

Un sospiro de Liszt

Casta Diva, Norma, Bellini

Au palais des fées, Don Carlos, Verdi

Masumi Fukaya, pianist

Born in Tokyo (JAPAN), Masumi Fukaya began her musical studies at the age of five. After her studies in Japan, in 2007, she came to France and entered the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Paris (CRR) in Oliver Gardon’s piano class. In 2009, she obtains the DEMS in piano, a diploma awarded by the CRR and joins Ariane Jacob’s accompaniment class. In September 2010 she entered the ConservatoireNational Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP) in Anne Le Bozec’s vocal accompaniment class. She obtains in 2012 the Master’s Degree in vocal accompaniment, with the unanimous mention very good, then she continues in the class of vocal direction of Erika Guiomar and obtains the Master’s Degree in 2015 with the unanimous mention very good with the congratulations of the jury.
Since 2009, she has been performing regularly in France, especially with
singers at the Salle Pleyel, the Châtelet theatre, the Musée d’Orsay, the Petit Palais, in
Philharmonie de Paris…and during her studies at the CNSMDP, she took part in the several opera productions as a voice conductor. Currently she is an accompanist
at the Notre Dame de Paris, at the conservatory of Vigneux sur Seine.

Sophie Leleu mezzo-soprano

After studying drama and the Celtic harp, Sophie Leleu obtained her
graduated in 2006 from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in
London. Then she goes to Berlin and deepens her singing at the Universität der Künste.
Sophie has performed as a soloist in Europe, the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom. and in Asia, where she plays many roles: Penelope, Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria by Monteverdi in London, Orfeo, Orfeo ed Euridice de Gluck in Berlin, Marcelina, Le Nozze di Figaro at the castle of Rochambeau, Galathée, Pastorale de Pesson at the Théâtre du Châtelet, the title role in La Grande Duchesse de Gerolstein d’Offenbach, Nancy T’ang, Nixon in China by Adams at the Théâtre du Châtelet, Candelas, El Amor Brujo by Falla with the Mayenne orchestra and at the Théâtre Vilar in Vitry, Jacqueline, Le Médecin malgré lui from Gounod at the Saint-Etienne Opera House, the title role in Bizet’s Carmen at the Saint-Etienne Opera House,
the Saigon Opera in Vietnam, The title role in Offenbach’s The Perichole
in Saint-Saëns’s Frédégonde at the Saigon Opera, etc. She also performs
with the Links Ensemble on the national stages of the Philharmonie de Paris, la Ferme
du Buisson/Noisiel, the Maison de Musique de Nanterre, the Arsenal de Metz, the Théâtre du Buisson/Noisiel, the Maison de Musique de Nanterre, the Arsenal de Metz, the Theatre the Archipelago of Perpignan, the National Stage of Evreux Louviers, the Opera of Massy, the Nuits sonores in Lyon, the Opéra de Rouen, the Channel in Calais, the Folles Journées at Nantes, at the Wiesbaden Opera and the Staatstheater Darmstadt, etc. in works of the Reich. For the past two years, she has regularly sung Carmen in the show Carmen Flamenco: theatres of Liffré, Saint-Lô, Belley, Montaigu, etc…

Artistic director of Cie Des Lieux et Des Êtres, it sets up different programs in collaboration with other artists that they play at various festivals and venues. In March 2020, it is their creation En-Vie which will be born at the Ferme du Buisson. In June 2020, it will embody the role of Herodias in Strauss’ opera Salome in Paris.