Avenus d'Aquitaine 24480 Le Buisson
Ava Group, corsican polyphony
Their friendship started one night in 2002 around a table when they mixed their voices to sing about life before, after and now : AVA, their group was born.
Do we really need to further introduce these singers and musicians !
Best friends in life, some of them have been present on the Island scene for over 20 years.
This explains why they perfectly master voices harmony and tunes during their concerts.
Old polyphonies, creations of the group and covers of old corsican songs still living in people memory are equally part of their art.
With their innate corsican soul in body and heart, during a deeply emotional and passionate concert, they are able to bring us to the roots of the corsican identity, the history of a people and its land.
Avà chante cela, Avà chante la vie. This history is an eternal tale of love, death or religion. Ava sings all this, Ava sings life.
Ava sings traditional music with instruments respecting both various trends and the original spirit.
Their music is a mixture of guitars, saz, violin, charangos, flutes, cetera, cajon or double bass provoking an amazing hang drum.
During their recital, Ava group singers put the human being in the core of their musical venture.
Attending an Ava concert brings you more than pleasure ; it’s a special and deep rooted pleasure, as if Corsica was right there in front of you : now boarding !