First concert by James LISNEY piano

Quand :
28 octobre 2023 @ 16 h 00 min – 18 h 00 min
Où :
Parc de Joséphine Baker
Les Milandes 24250 Castelnaud
Coût :
Entrée : 18 €, adhérents 15€, étudiants, demandeurs d'emploi 8€, tarif famille, gratuit moins de 16 ans
Contact :
Raymond BARASZ

Program 1

Johann Sebastian Bach 

     Jesu bleibet meine freude’ BWV 147 (transcrite par Myra Hess)

     Arioso BWV 1056 (transcrit par Alfred Cortot)

Joseph Haydn

     Sonata, Hoboken XVI/49

Franz Schubert transcrit par Franz Liszt)



     Die Taubenpost



     Variations sur une valse de Anton Diabelli, opus 120

Photo Suzie Maeder

Biography of James Lisney
James Lisney enjoys a rich musical life, moving seamlessly from concerto and recital soloist to chamber musician, song accompanist and pianist-director. Initiatives such as his Schubertreise series at London’s South Bank Centre, his extensive Beethoven project and the recording company Woodhouse Editions have provided a platform for his wide-ranging musical sympathies.
James Lisney made his debut at the Wigmore Hall in 1986 and was soon represented by London’s Young Concert Artists Trust, enabling him to pursue a career that has taken him to many prestigious venues and to major orchestras. He has held residencies at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Gewandhaus in Leipzig and Carnegie Recital Hall in New York.
James Lisney’s repertoire ranges from Baroque masterpieces to the music of today, but over the last two decades the music of Schubert and Beethoven has been at the centre of his concert and recording activity. He regularly presents cycles of piano sonatas and chamber music, and his recordings (for Naxos, Bis, Somm, Olympia and Carlton) come highly recommended.