4 hands piano by Yseult JOST and Domingos COSTA

Quand :
8 septembre 2024 @ 17 h 00 min – 19 h 00 min
Où :
Pôle d'Animation Culturelle
33 Avenue d'Aquitaine 24480 Le Buisson de Cadouin
Coût :
Entrée : 18 €, adhérents 15€, étudiants, demandeurs d'emploi 8€, tarif famille, gratuit moins de 16 ans et femmes enceintes.
Contact :
Raymond BARASZ

Programme Jost Costa septembre 2024

Franz Schubert (1797-1828) 

Quatre Ländler D. 814            4’

Fantaisie en fa mineur D. 940                                                      19’

Franz Liszt (1810-1886) Les Préludes S. 591, poème symphonique pour orchestre

Transcription pour piano à quatre mains de l’auteur                16’


Claude Debussy (1862-1918) Prélude à l’Après-midi d’un faune   10’

Transcription pour piano à quatre mains de Maurice Ravel 

Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) Pavane op. 50                                          6’

Transcription pour piano à quatre mains d Albert Benfeld

Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) Rapsodie espagnole                              15’

Prélude à la nuit  Malagueña  Habanera  Feria 

Duo Jost Costa

A sensitive sound, a refined virtuosity, and a taste for original programmes are original programmes are the characteristics of the duo founded in 2006 by the pianists by pianists Yseult Jost (France) and Domingos Costa (Portugal).

The quality of their interpretations and their high musical standards have enabled them to win the the International Grieg Competition in Oslo in 2008, as well as the in Oslo in 2008, as well as a Special Prize and two special mentions.

He was also a laureate of the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation from 2007 to 2012. The duo studied at the Hochschule Stuttgart with Hans-Peter Stenzl.

Yseult Jost and Domingos Costa were invited to perform at the International Music Festival in Besançon, at the Stravinsky Auditorium in Montreux Montreux, in the theatres of Montbéliard, Besançon, Dôle, at the Wilhelma Theater in Stuttgart, at the Oslo Conservatory, at the International Festival of Schwäbisch Gmünd, as part of the Semaines françaises de Stuttgart, the Landesmuseum Stuttgart, among others.

Passionate and curious musicians, Yseult Jost and Domingos Costa regularly regularly create performances that combine music and poetry, music and dance, or music and and painting. Convinced of the unifying character of music, they have also given concerts in the prisons of St. Petersburg and in the prisons of Stammheim and Heimsheim in Germany, in institutions for the disabled and Heimsheim prisons in Germany, in institutions for the disabled, in hospitals, etc…

The Jost-Costa duo has a personality marked by its daring musical choices and and by its versatility: it strives to make people discover little known works,

by associating them with works from the repertoire, creating unsuspected parallels. The two musicians also give an important place to contemporary music, and the duo has been dedicated the piece « Fado » by John Palmer, created in France in 2007, as well as « double games » by the same composer. A recording of Fado, conducted by the by the composer, was released by Sargasso Records in 2008.